The Distinct Colors of Mardi Gras
I finally felt the true pulse of New Orleans with Mardi Gras just days away when visiting with my family. I've always loved NOLA, exploring the French Market and Garden district streets and hidden gems. It has always inspired me with its creative energy, people, spicy food and jazz. So with Mardi Gras around the corner the city became even more alive.
Bourbon Street balcony decorated for Mardi Gras.
The French and Spanish Creole architecture was decked out in the infamous Mardi Gras colors – purple, green and yellow. These colors are on king cakes, beautiful flower arrangements in hotels, on souvenirs, Mardi Gras beads, masks, decorations, floats and on clothing. As a designer, I had to find out what these colors mean to New Orleans.
It was back in 1892 that the Rex parade gave "Symbolism of the colors", but the history goes way beyond that. So, if you are a history buff, check out this blog I found about it -
Mardi Gras beads decorate a New Orleans resident’s fence.
So, back to the meaning of the colors.
Purple = Justice
Green = Faith
Gold = Power
Purple is a royal color, meaning justice and based on what is right. Green represents faith. Faith can be of religious faith and also having faith in a better tomorrow. Gold is power and wealth. I'd say that's a color combination that makes a strong statement and something for a city to be proud to be associated with. One thing for sure is, that you can truly be whoever you want to be in New Orleans and wear what you want to wear. You just may happened to get more throws if you do wear the city's traditional colors.
Photos by: Mitzi Navarra ©2017